About me

 ART has always been a love of mine. I use a magnifying glass to help put my dreams to paper,  Hello my name is LANCE FOOTER  I have worked on my Wicked Wabbit comic. as well as done some  sketch variants for Zenescope comic VIP program, 2019 has had some many accomplishments  from doing 2 variant covers for Cavewoman  covers for basement comics. I have done a variant cover for Squirrel comic and Goldilocks in Zombie Land for Legendary divas publishing, A variant cover for the Dusk County Chronicles, I have finished The Eagle comic Harrisburg PA first super hero comic. Worked on Marvel Comics / Upper deck cards for Black Panther Doing all this while touring the Comic con scene on the east coasters a guest.   Oh and not to mention  I was born legally blind. I am a (2)  time National  Champion in the men's tandem pursuit and (1) time for road race . I am originally from New England but now reside in Greenville, South Carolina. I have been racing in time trials since the fall 2012  and have traveled to the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Spring and California several times, This is where I learned how to race on a tandem. I was ranked 9th in the world  I compete in tandem, due to vision problems. now you can find me still riding my bike but i am mostly creating artwork for myself and the world to see.
© 2024 Low Vision Studio  / Greenvile, South Carolina
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