My work can be seen in the Upper Deck trading cards for Black Panther, Dynamite, Red Sonja, and Vampirella. I was a VIP sketchbook artist for Zenescope Comics and, so far, have been published in five pin-up magazines. I have published my own books, The Wicked Wabbit #0 and #1. And I am the cover artist for multiple indies, including Power Hour , Black ops publishing , Merc publishing , clan McDonald comics Hardley Thinn , Werewolves of Brooklyn, Bunny Goes to Space, Bridgeport Chronicles, Cavewoman, Vampires of New Jersey, Goldilocks in Zombieland, Squirrel, Witches of West Chesterfield, and Naughty Faeries.
Additionally, I am an accomplished para-athelete and cyclist. I am a two-time National Champion in Men's Track Tandem Pursuit (2013 & 2014), National Champion in Road Race (2014), and was a contender for the 2016 Rio Olympics (Team USA).
I have been legally blind since birth, but that has never kept me from achieving my goals. My high school art portfolio was ranked in the Top Ten for New England in 1984, and I have continued to work hard ever since. For the majority of artists, they stand back from the canvas and conceive their creation. My whole world exists only an inch or two from the paper as I peer through a magnifying glass to create. This is my comfort zone, and it locks me into my own world to bring my thoughts and inspirations to life. Come join me on this journey and explore Low Vision Studio. I hope one of my creations will motivate you to accomplish your goals and overcome the barriers that stand in your way.